July 9, 2009

Mario Paint Composer = awesomee

Again, i'm always late on these kinda internet trend things, but this is just too cool to not post. There are hundreds of these on youtube and i think alot are genius versions, great songs turned into SNES video game music (which is obviously the greatest music genre). Mario Paint should be a genre itself anyway. You can try it yourself here.

The Beatles - Penny Lane (by mannacicade)

Michael Jackson - Thriller (by geoffnet1) (of course!)

Radiohead - Paranoid Android (by adolfobaez)


School's about to start for me again, and i feel like i'm entering or more like i'm already waddling about in a transitional stage of my life again. Days are hurtling by like they were never there. Well i've done some productive stuff i guess: learnt a couple of songs on the keyboards, finally finishing Kafka On The Shore and starting The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, trying in vain to read up some school related stuff; but sometimes its like i've been busy with nothing at all.

I realise though, that my life in general (and other people too, maybe) always feels like it's in a transitional state, moving on from one thing to another, always starting and then stopping. Its probably inevitable that i'll feel like that sometimes, but i'm so, so afraid that when say, 10 years have passed, that i'll feel like they never did.

What i think i'm trying to say is that i know the train has to leave this station and get to the next, but i have to make it go a little slower so i can watch stuff go by better. I guess i'm just reminding myself to appreciate the important things better and not take them for granted. Things like time with my family, talking to my friends, a sunset, rain etc etc.

But yeah, Mario Paint rocks.

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